Kuda Landing Page Clone

Kuda Landing Page Clone

ReactJS -SideHustle Project


    To create my kuda landing page clone, I began my project my running the command npx create-react-app kuda-clone to create the react application.

    Then I deleted the dummy files and restructured my folders as shown below.


      After a successful restructuring of my folder, I began the design of my reusable components.

      2.1. Header Component:

      In this component, I designed the header section which comprises of the navigation bar. To have access to the dropdown arrow and the globe, I install the react-icons library using the npm install react-icons command. These gave me access to a large collection of icons of which I selected only the ones required of me.

      Mobile Header:

      Desktop Header:

Here, I designed my footer section and ensure it was mobile responsive by using the CSS media query.

2.3 Section Component:

Here, I designed all the layers of the landing page and ensured they were responsive using the CSS Media Query.

  1. PAGES

    3.1. Home Page Component:

    Here I rendered all the components in the order I wanted them to appear on the home page and then rendered this component in the app.js file which happens to be the entry point of the application.

    GITHUB: https://github.com/Zeddic-SMO/kuda_landing_page_clone

    NETLIFY: https://kuda-clone.netlify.app/